>Hot summer days

Posted on July 11, 2010


>We had more than 3 very hot days this week and finding somewher to cool down is hard, with kids who are not interested one bit in relaxing and taking naps, oh no, they are ready to monkey around even in the extreme heat. So what do I do when it’s just them and me (Randy  worked a few days with my dad) and nowhere to be? I packed a picnic and promised to let them get wet at the capitol fountain but only, after attending noon mass. I was a little nervous to attend mass by myself with them because I knew it would not be packed and have loud music like mass is on Sundays but, they did really great and I think it had to do with the very quiet, musicless and peopleless mass we attended. It worked and I realized that it is something that we need to do from now on. We will attend noon mass daily during the week and then Sundays with Randy and my parents. Religion is #1 to me, it’s a way of life not just a hobby (is how I was raised) so I will teach my kids now, to attend mass, daily when possible. Anyway, I feel great about that and, after mass, we walked over to the capitol benches and laid out a blanket and had a picnic. They ate well, then we walked over to the fountain where Brooklyn did get wet but Breanna was too scared of getting sprayed in her eyes so she walked around and watched. Let me tell you, it was extreme, the heat I mean. In order to watch my kids and stay near them, it was impossible for me to sit in the shade so I sat directly in the sun, slathered the kids’ sunscreen on and fried for about a half an hour until Brooklyn got cold. We went back to my dad’s house because it stays cool and just sat around for the rest of the day until Randy got back from work. I was tired, but the kids jumped in their pool later. Oh, I think the cooler weather is coming. We tried hard to go out to the beach this weekend but it just didn’t work out. Okay, so when Randy and I think about the places wev’e been to and even lived in, we know this weather is not so bad but, when running after kids and trying to keep them happy on a hot day, it definitely tires you out. Mexico is hot, and humid so it gets uncomfortable at times, Arizona gets up to 120 degrees, New Mexico as well, Louisiana and Texas are hot, hot and humid in some parts so, Salem is not so bad. Honestly though, I’d rather be in any of those places any day, heat and all πŸ™‚ Hope you were able to stay cool this week πŸ™‚


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                                                                         Stay cool πŸ˜‰

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